Latex Paint

Beco eggshell gloss interior wall paint

  Beko Eggshell Interior Wall Paint has an eggshell-like luster and a leathery feel. It has good color saturation and strong color retention. It is scrub-resistant, easy to repair, alkali-resistant, mildew-resistant, fire-retardant, and moisture-resistant. It provides a soft and delicate effect on the wall and is a paint with excellent hiding power. It has excellent adhesion and alkali resistance. Roller coating process, easy to apply, suitable for large-area wall decoration.
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    Product Introduction 产品简介

      Beko Eggshell Interior Wall Paint has an eggshell-like luster and a leathery feel. It has good color saturation and strong color retention. It is scrub-resistant, easy to repair, alkali-resistant, mildew-resistant, fire-retardant, and moisture-resistant. It provides a soft and delicate effect on the wall and is a paint with excellent hiding power. It has excellent adhesion and alkali resistance. Roller coating process, easy to apply, suitable for large-area wall decoration.

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    Construction methods 施工方式

    1. Roll on the penetrating primer once and wait until it is completely dry

    2. Add an appropriate amount of water to the artistic midcoat to adjust the color, stir evenly, pour it into the spray gun and spray it twice to cover the sealing primer so that it is not transparent.

    3. Add appropriate amount of water to the eggshell light to adjust the same color, use the spray gun to spray it twice at an even speed and spray evenly. (Eggshell light can be rolled or sprayed, depending on customer needs)

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    Precautions 注意事项








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