Latex Paint

Odor-free all-effect alkali-resistant primer

  The odor-free, full-effect alkali-resistant primer does not add any organic volatile components, and the VOC is as low as undetectable. It breaks through the odor-free technology and is more environmentally friendly. It has excellent mildew-proof, moisture-proof and alkali-resistant properties, and strong hiding power. It has inter-layer adhesion and significant sealing effect. It is suitable for alkali resistance and sealing of various new and old interior walls. It can effectively protect the
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    Product Introduction 产品简介

      The odor-free, full-effect alkali-resistant primer does not add any organic volatile components, and the VOC is as low as undetectable. It breaks through the odor-free technology and is more environmentally friendly. It has excellent mildew-proof, moisture-proof and alkali-resistant properties, and strong hiding power. It has inter-layer adhesion and significant sealing effect. It is suitable for alkali resistance and sealing of various new and old interior walls. It can effectively protect the

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    Construction methods 施工方式

    1. Brushing or wheel coating is acceptable. Choose airless spraying for the best results.

    2. Add clean water in proportion, stir evenly, and let it stand for 10 minutes before use.

    3. One to two coats of primer and two coats of topcoat are sufficient. There must be an interval of more than 2 hours between each coat, which can be extended appropriately at low temperatures. Drying time (temperature is 25°C, relative humidity is 70%): 1 hour to touch dry, and at least 2 hours for recoating.

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    Precautions 注意事项








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