How to make the shelf life of paint longer?

Speaking of paint preservatives, nowadays, it is an indispensable anti-corrosion product in the paint industry. Its use can help the paint industry solve many problems, and its direct effect is to extend the shelf life of the paint.

The raw materials of paint (latex paint) include pigments, fillers, color pastes, emulsions and resins, thickeners, dispersants, defoamers, leveling agents, film-forming aids, etc. These raw materials contain water and nutrients and are easily contaminated by bacteria, which can cause harmful physical and chemical changes such as decreased viscosity, corruption, gas production, and demulsification of latex paint. In order to reduce the losses caused by microbial invasion to a minimum and ensure the quality of latex paint products, it is absolutely necessary to carry out anti-corrosion treatment on latex paint as soon as possible. Adding preservatives to the product is a recognized effective method.

The correct use of preservatives is an important factor in ensuring that the coating is not invaded by bacteria and algae and ensuring the quality of the coating within the shelf life. The bactericidal mechanism of most bactericides and preservatives is that the contact between bactericides and microorganisms denatures the proteins of microorganisms, reduces their cell activity, and promotes bacterial death. Therefore, to ensure the effective bactericidal effect of preservatives, it is necessary not only to ensure that the amount of bactericide added is higher than the low inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the bactericide, but also to ensure that the bactericide is evenly distributed in the paint, so as to effectively kill bacteria in various parts of the latex paint can.

Preservatives can be applied to common water-based paints, paints, latex paints, coatings, water-based paints, latex paints, putty pastes, carpet glue, guar gum, defoamers, paper coating liquids, etc. Using it can quickly inhibit and kill microorganisms from invading.

Paint preservatives have strong bactericidal ability, can effectively kill various bacteria, fungi, molds, etc., and have a long antibacterial time. In addition, coating preservatives are highly effective anti-corrosion products in the coating industry. They have good compatibility with various surfactants and other chemical raw materials and have no effect on the color, adhesion, leveling, stability and other properties of the coating.

更新日期:2024-05-11 | 返回